Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Remastered New Features Trailer

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles is back! FFCC Remastered is anticipated to be released on the 27th of August 2020 on iOS, Android, PS4, and Nintendo Switch. You will be able to play the first few dungeons for free but in order to unlock the entire game, you will have to pay. We have fond memories of playing this epic action RPG back in 2004 on the Nintendo Gamecube so we are definitely purchasing this game. Plus it will be cross compatible so you can play online with your friends regardless of the system/console they are using! 

 Are you ready to form your caravan in Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Remastered? We are!

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Remastered

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Remastered

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Remastered

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Remastered


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